According to Part H4 of Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations 2010, SI 2010/2214, the consent of the sewer system contractor is required for construction work via a public sewer. This includes both digested water and surface water channels. If a public sewer passes under land, the owner may not build on or within three metres of the sewer centre line without the consent of the sewer contractor. This consent is the „Build over Agreement“. Consent is required before the start of the work and may be refused. It should be noted that to complete the following self-certification form, you should know the following: This potential risk is problematic if the conservatory was built before July 1, 2011. There is also a violation of legal servitude. Some sewer companies suggest that they can adopt a relaxed attitude if the work has been carried out in accordance with construction control permits and measures taken to protect sewer pipes. There are two solutions for this: (Please note that this only applies to the construction of a single plot of land with pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or less) The purpose of this question is to determine whether the Severn Trent Water construction team has been in contact with planned or actual field work since 2004, whether the work continued or not, or whether a building permit was required or not.

Contact could have been established at that time by the owner, a developer or the planning department of the municipal administration. A construction contract allows the water company to ensure that the work to be done does not affect the underlying sewer system and ensures that the water company continues to have sufficient access to the sewer for repairs and maintenance. If you plan to build near or through a public sewer, you should contact the water company before carrying out the work to determine the need. I have read Thames Water Build over Guide and unfortunately, as shown in the image above, we need their approval and are not able to certify ourselves. If self-certification is not realistic, you will need to go through this formal application and assessment process to get our approval to build our pipelines. Building on top of or near a sewer pipe could damage the pipe itself or your home. This can lead to higher costs for our customers and serious disruptions. So, if there are pipelines on your property, you should consider the location, size and design of your work before you start and contact us before work begins. As a homeowner, you may be thinking about expanding your home or building a veranda or garage. Sometimes this type of work can affect the underground sewer pipes that are within the boundaries of your property. It can also make selling your home more difficult than you think.

By keeping the loop and going through the right application channels, not only will the sewers be protected, but your home will also be safe. More information on the construction of public sewers can be found on this page on the Severn Trent Water website The 2011 private sewer transfer made public the majority of private sewer and cash flows to England and Wales. Thousands of kilometres of pipes – repaired and maintained by the owners (often without their knowledge) were the responsibility of the water companies. While this is undoubtedly good news for homeowners, it created a kind of legal grey area when these sewers were built by their former owners. (Please note that this only applies to construction work on a single residential building that requires pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or less.) If you can reliably meet all the necessary requirements, your project will be automatically approved (with a few exceptions). This only applies to construction work on a single residential plot with pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or less. For anything larger, you`ll need to fill out a formal build-over request form. Building on top of or near a sewer pipe can damage the pipe itself or your home. This could lead to increased costs for our customers and significant disruptions. So, if there are sewer pipes on your property, you should consider the location, size and design of your construction work before you start and contact us before you start the work. To work in Birmingham and the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, please email Severn Trent Water says anyone who wants to build above or within three metres of a public sewer must have written permission before work begins.

He would not have required a construction agreement from the wastewater payer if the sewer had been private. In case of non-obtaining of the building permit for the works, the local authority is entitled to carry out an inspection and, if the works do not comply with the building regulations, to send a notice in accordance with section 36 of the Construction Act 1984 (BA 1984) asking the owner (who may not be the same person who ordered the work) to put it in order, or If this was not possible, restore the property to its previous condition. Failure to comply with a BA 1984 Notice, Article 36 is a criminal offence and could result in prosecution of the owner and payment of local authority fees to remedy the violation. .